Jackie's Journey "Dissatisfied?"

I’ve been thinking about the mouse that made his home underneath the hood of my car a few months back and ate through the wires, costing me a lot of money to have fixed and loss of the use of my car.  Well, it has been less than six months and my little friend has done it again!!  He had another huge nest and ate through my fuel pump wires this time! 

 Needless to say, my forbearance for this little pest is running thin!  It is time for drastic measures.  Then… I remembered the lesson he taught me the first time he ate through my electrical wires and I am relenting on my determination to see him eliminated permanently!

 That little creature gave me a  good lesson in being content.  He makes his house in the most obscure places and he has the ability to make himself totally comfortable with whatever is available.  He’s content that he has all he needs.

 Contentment is realizing that God has  given me everything I need for my present and future happiness.  He is all I really need and HE is always with me.  “He will show me the path of life; in His presence is the fulness of joy; at His right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” (Psalm  16:11) 

 It has been three months since Ralph left for his heavenly home.  I am still processing how fast it all came about and what all God needs me to learn.  His Word is sweet, as is HIS presence and HIS grace is more than abundant.  I  have only praise and thanksgiving for HIS undertaking on my behalf.

 I want thank those of you who have reached out to me recently and for those of you who continue to pray me through these days of “fine-tuning”.  I have reviewed the five steps of grief and have weathered the “Shock” and skipped the middle three and went right into “Acceptance”.  God’s is sovereign and knowing HE”S got the plan continues to bring peace to my soul. I am content…

 Do you believe that God has given you all you need?

“If I am not satisfied with what I have,

 I will never be satisfied with what I want.”

Ralph Guthrie

~Jackie Johnson - I am a former tribal missionary to the Kuna Indians on the Colombian border in Central America.  Fluent in several languages, my husband and I currently pastor a Spanish-speaking church in Southern California.  My passion is mentoring and equipping dedicated young women for life, marriage, motherhood, and beyond. I am the mother of two daughters and the grandmother of three Princesses and four young Knights.